Forever Home

A lot has happened in the past year and a half.

In addition to procreating, the hubster and I are building a house! Cause we can’t sit around doing nothing, you know.

This isn’t just any house though.  This is our forever home.  (At least, that’s our plan now.  The Lord might call us away from here in the future, but as far as we can see, this home and it’s beautiful land surrounding it will be the place we bring home our babies, put up our Christmas trees, camp in the backyard, and get snowed in.)

I grew up moving all over the place, so being in one place for the rest of the future that I can imagine is uncharted territory for me.  I have an adventurous side and loved the travels that our family did during my early years, but having a forever home is going to be a consistency and security I never knew as a child.

From ground breaking last summer,


to raising the timber frame in the fall,

to closing it in,

to starting the finishing,

to finalizing all the details,

we have worked to make this place feel like home.  We anxiously await days of sipping sweet tea on the back porch, evenings of watching sunsets on the front porch, afternoons of picnicking in the backyard, and mornings of sunshine pouring through the windows.

The countdown is on! Only five weeks to go! Is this real life?

We can’t wait to get started on forever.

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